BLACK PARTY : Halloween’s Not So Scary feat. Jon Connor from UK

有聽過145BPMTECHNO今年萬聖節1031 <黑趴萬聖特輯>BLACK PARTY特別邀請到從英國提早飛來台灣完成隔離14天的最猛鐵克諾DJ 兼製作人Jon Connor 在台首場處女秀,還有1998年風靡台灣鐵克諾電子音樂傳奇夜店TeXound和黑趴首席DJ VERTIGO。除此之外,我們還要帶各位鐵客回到那位於南京東路上建國北路口的傳奇夜店『TeXound 台客爽』發源地與您一同舊地重遊這充滿魔幻魅力、週末午夜狂舞聖地。跟隨黑趴鐵旅的精神帶領新舊世代體驗台灣懷舊鐵克諾音樂歷史變遷!  萬聖音樂無國界~讓我們來一起幻想著坐在時光長廊上、在舞池中搖擺、相互擁抱、感受舊地聆聽新世代交叉音樂!10.31新舊鐵客相約一個不太恐怖的黑趴萬聖夜! 

BLACK PARTY proudly presents Halloween’s Not So Scary Party Express on Saturday 31st October!!  We are so honored to invite the TECHNO phenomenon Jon Connor from Welsh and the key resident DJ from TeXound, a legendary TECHNO club back in 1998.    We will travel back to TeXound venue, located at B1, No. 26, Sec. 3, Nanjing East Road, Taipei.  One of the dance floors we miss the most, a good old place fulfilled with happy memory for every gender,  mind loose, set your soul free by sitting down on the hallway or just dance all night long, we will embrace the moment of new era crossover TECHNO music history. .  Come and experience the core spirit of technourim.  So don’t miss out our BLACK PARTY special series of Not So Scary Halloween Party this year.

#blackparty #technourism #techno #technomusic #technoparty #halloweenparty #backtotexound #oldplace #texound #taiwanpridelgbt #lgbtqfriendly #musicunitesus #黑趴 #鐵客 #鐵客旅 #鐵旅 #鐵克諾 #打鐵趁熱 #重遊台客爽聖地 



ELC生長在充滿音樂自由的年代,受父親影響第一次接觸電子樂就深深著迷,獨愛Techno極簡卻有無限的音樂張力。近年多場演出為她的DJ生涯建立深厚基礎,獨特細膩的思維,從Minimal TechnoDark Techno ,到情境Progressive 她的混音不會被侷限住,帶領聽眾在虛幻藝術和現實間游移,只用她獨特的方式呈現。

ELC grew up in an environment full of musical freedom. Under the influence of her father, she became obsessed with electronic music immediately. She loves the musical tension of minimal techno sounds.

In recent years, she has established a deep foundation in her DJ career which combine unique way of mixing. Her style ranges from minimal techno and dark techno to melodic progressive techno. Her mixing is not limited, leading the audience to wander between illusory art and reality through

Mixcloud : 

Jon Connor

來自英國威爾斯的Jon  Connor 是東歐Techno 音樂國境新興萌牙只有少數的DJ在美國與澳洲可以與Jon Connor 熱情猛烈的音樂曲風相抗衡。至今已有累積擁有20年演出經驗更是知名TECHNO音樂製作人 也是Bubblejam 唱片公司的創辦人。  在演出的時候, Jon Connor 通常毫不猶豫把自己對TECHNO 音樂的想法保留,強烈的播放方式造成了全球電子音樂界迴響的同時,但他也保留了大家對Rave懷舊時代的瘋狂,保證讓你跳到汗流夾背。他的音樂絕對會讓你對TECHNO完全有另一種感受和不同的想法。說太多也不如你親臨現場感受。

Bubblejam label bossman from the starry eyed hedonism of Welsh free party culture, to the new frontiers of Eastern Europe’s burgeoning dance scene, The Americas and Australia, few DJs can lay claim to the pedigree and passion of Jon Connor.  A talent as raw as the tougher end of the techno he has played and produced for the last two decades physical mixing, a constant forward momentum, and an unashamed focus on starting parties are cornerstones of a career that has spanned the rise, fall, and resurgence of the global electronic phenomenon.  Supertech founder, Bubblejam label bossman, universally respected underground player, and dedicated disciple of the true school of turntablism, his story leaves ego and arrogance in the cloakroom, and places the focus where it should be music with sweat saying far more than cliched words ever could.  In an age of marketing fakery and artists as brands Connor’s attitude remains rooted in old school rave principles, while his sounds sitting on the cutting edge of fast noise.   Enough said he will see you down front.

Facebook :

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Soundcloud :

Youtube :


從小在台灣出生長大的 NEIL在因緣際會之下於1996去到了蘇格蘭,當時電子音樂盛行歐洲,由於地緣關係,便開始接觸了電子音樂。回台後,曾經參加過許多朋友所舉辦的電音派對,台灣也正處於被歐洲電子音樂流行的巔峰期,因此NEIL2000年開始正式學習DJ。剛開始音樂曲風受到許多Progressive House的影響,後期認識了Ricardo Villalobos的作品,便深深的愛上了TECHNO Techhouse的音樂並開始專供。雖然NEIL開始學習DJ的時間不算太早,但對黑膠的熱愛執著,也促使了他常常喜歡用黑膠做現場演出。  去年,NEILMacro Bailey在台灣同台演出.

NEIL was born and raised in Taiwan but left for study in Scotland in 1996 when electronic music was booming in Europe.  He started his career as a DJ shortly after his return from Scotland in 2000.  Ricardo Villalobos inspired him ever since he loves various music genre such as Progressive House, TECHNO, Techhouse.  Where there is an opportunity that NEIL always prefers to perform vinyl set.  He was sharing the stage with Marco Bailey last year in Taiwan.

Instagram :

Mixcloud :


BLACK PARTY的駐場DJ,從BLACK PARTY誕生前所舉辦的東京WOMB在海外台灣首場獨家秀的指定closing DJ就是VERTIGO, 至今每場黑趴他都有參與。從十七歲就開始踏入DJ這行的 VERTIGO 從黑膠放到現在的數位,熟知台灣音樂的成長與變化,他更是長期致力于培養台灣鐵克諾地下音樂的推廣,身兼Reboot Taipei的創辦人及多場地下音樂音樂節及演出的幕後推手,看似溫文儒雅的他,喜歡TECHNO音樂曲風猛烈明快的節奏,並擅長汲取各類型音樂的菁華並以自己的卓越觀點加以詮釋,是少數能以音樂教育聽眾也能取悅群眾的傑出DJ。更值得一提的是VERTIGO也曾是傳奇同志派對G5和二樓的首席DJ,也是TeXound的駐場DJ,與TIGER是許多夜店一起工作演出的同事、戰友更是好朋友.

VERTIGO, BLACK PARTY resident DJ, one of the Toppest Taiwanese DJs. Started djing in 1991, along with his unique style came with flavors of new wave mixed with PUNK, DUB and TECHNO.  Since then vertigo has performed at various events and venues worldwide.  Vertigo gained his residency in the most prestige TECHNO music club called Texound in Taipei back in 1997-2000 and many hottest clubs in Taiwan.  He is also the founder of "Reboot Taipei" opened in 2003 and has invited many famous underground music DJs such as Marco Bailey, Technasia, Richie, Sasha, Hawtin,  Elrow and Amelie Lens.

Facebook :

Instagram :

Website :


來自台北,國內少數深耕電子音樂十年不懈,從舞場DJ到發行電音專輯,直至創立組織推廣TECHNO派對數年。過去為腦內派 對、現為SOMA TAIPEI派對組織推手,曾為電子雙人團沙羅曼蛇首張專輯的創始團員。 從舞場、商業演出DJ,其開闊自由的音樂舞曲類型展現在每個現場演出裡,並與友人們舉辦推廣TECHNO派對數年至今。 現場演出追求混音精準和美感力道,在這快速替換的世代中期望持續吸收,並保有自身身優雅的內斂品味。 同時熱衷與音樂創作,製作、發行電音實體及數位作品。 曾參與沙羅曼蛇首張專輯、獨立電音合輯(派樂黛唱片、Slot Machine Records等合輯)TECHNO廠牌Guangzhou Underground 廣州地下個人EP等。 最新TECHNO單曲於今年九月,收錄發行於英國廠牌 Unconfined Records首張合輯。 

YEN is one of the most well-known TECHNO DJs from Taiwan and he has been promoting TECHNO music more than a decade.   He is also the founder of another TECHNO party called SOMA TAIPEI as well as one of the original members of SALAMANDER, an electric music duo. His mixing skills is solid and he prefers to play a mixture of all type of TECHNO music.  You can find his music production from Slot Machine Records, Guangzhou Underground and many other more.  He recently just released a single under a British’s underground label called Unconfined  

Soundcloud : 

Facebook :



🎃活動資訊|Event Info

BLACK PARTY : Halloween’s Not So Scary feat. Jon Connor from UK

活動日期 Date() 2020.10.31 (Saturday)

活動地點 Venue:前台客爽 Back To TeXound 

(台北市南京東路三段26B1, No. 26, Sec. 3, Nanjing East Road, Taipei)

活動時間 Event Time23:00 - 04:30

開賣時間:2020/10/24 18:00


票 價 Ticketing Info :Pre-Sale 預售票 NT$400  

          At Door  現場票 NT$500/NT$600 before/after 1 am 

* 本活動現場購票處為B1入口售 At door ticket box is located at the main entrance in B1.


🎃注意事項Terms & Conditions

  1. 未滿18歲不得入場及未帶證件謝絕入場 Age 18+ only event and MUST bring ID.
  2. 本活動現場購票處為B1入口售 At door ticket box is located at the main entrance in B1.
  3. 請勿攜帶外食入場Outside food & drinks are not allowed in the venue.
  4. 請大家共同珍惜場地,禁止在室內吸煙及亂丟垃圾 Littering & smoking is not allowed at the venue.


🎃 購 票 方 式 說 明

  1. 為了確保您的權益,強烈建議您,在註冊會員或是結帳時填寫的聯絡人電子郵件,盡量不要使用Yahoo或Hotmail郵件信箱,以免因為擋信、漏信,甚至被視為垃圾郵件而無法收到『訂單成立通知信』。
  2. KKTIX系統沒有固定的清票時間,只要消費者沒有於期限內完成付款,未付款的席次就會陸陸續續釋放出來,消費者可隨時留意網頁或是機台是否有釋出可售票券張數。
  3. KKTIX網站購票:
    • 每筆訂單限購4張
    • 付款方式:信用卡(VISA/MASTER/JCB)、ATM虛擬帳號
    • 為強化信用卡網路付款安全,KKTIX售票系統網站導入了更安全的信用卡 3D 驗證服務,會員購票時,將取得簡訊驗證碼,確保卡號確實為持卡人所有,以提供持卡人更安全的網路交易環境。信用卡3D驗證流程為何?
    • ATM虛擬帳號付款注意事項:僅限於台灣金融機構開戶所核發之提款卡並已開通「非約定帳戶轉帳」之功能,請務必於期限內付款,逾期未付款訂單將會自動取消
    • 取票方式:全家取票(手續費每筆$30/4張為限,請於全家便利商店繳納給櫃臺)
    • KKTIX購票流程圖示說明請點我
    • 全家便利商店FamiPort取票說明請點我
  4. 全家便利商店FamiPort購票:
    • 無需加入會員,每筆訂單限購4張
    • 付款方式:僅接受現金
    • 取票方式:付款完畢直接於全家便利商店櫃臺現場取票,免手續費
    • 全家便利商店店鋪查詢請點我
    • 全家便利商店FamiPort購票流程圖示說明請點我
    • 於全家便利商店FamiPort列印繳費單後,需在10分鐘內在該店櫃檯完成結帳,若無法在時間內完成結帳取票,訂單將會被取消,原本購買的席次將釋回到系統中重新銷售。
    • 於全家便利商店之購票動作皆於結帳取票後方能保證席次,請注意單憑列印繳費單無法保證其席次。


🎃 注 意 事 項 

  1. 根據文化部訂定『藝文表演票券定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項』第六項「退、換票機制」之規定共有四種方案之退換票規定,本節目採用方案二:消費者請求退換票之時限為購買票券後3日內(不含購票日),購買票券後第4日起不接受退換票申請,請求退換票日期以郵戳寄送日為準,退票需酌收票面金額5%手續費,範例如下:
  • 2020/10/24購買,退票截止日為2020/10/27(含),2020/10/28(含)起的郵戳退票不再受理


  1. According to the second ticket return plan of Laws & Regulations of “Ministry of Culture”,  tickets are refundable with 5% return handing fee for three days ONLY after you purchase them. For example:
  • Tickets purchased on 2020/10/24 must be mailed to KKTIX before 2020/10/27. Tickets mailed out on and after 2020/10/28 for refund wil NOT be accepted.

In order to process your refund request, physical tickets must be mailed to KKTIX before the due date. For KKTIX address, please refer to KKTIX REFUND POLICY.

NOTE: If you choose Family Mart as ticket collect method, you will still need to pick up your ticket at Family Mart and send it to KKTIX.

  1. 請勿於拍賣網站或是其他非KKTIX正式授權售票之通路、網站購票,除可能衍生詐騙案件或交易糾紛外,以免影響自身權益,若發生演出現場無法入場或是其他問題,主辦單位及KKTIX概不負責。
  2. 若有任何形式非供自用而加價轉售(無論加價名目為代購費、交通費、補貼等均包含在內)之情事經查屬實者,將依社會秩序維護法第64條第2款逕向警方檢舉。
  3. 一人一票、憑票入場,未滿18歲不得入場及未帶證件謝絕入場,票券視同有價證券,請妥善保存,如發生遺失、破損、燒毀或無法辨識等狀況,恕不補發。
  4. 如遇票券毀損、滅失或遺失,主辦單位將依「藝文表演票券定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項」第七項「票券毀損、滅失及遺失之入場機制:主辦單位應提供消費者票券毀損、滅失及遺失時之入場機制並詳加說明。」之規定辦理,詳情請洽KKTIX客服中心。
  5. 請勿攜帶相機、攝影機、DV、錄音機入場,未經主辦單位同意,禁止拍照、錄影、錄音。
  6. 本節目禁止攜帶外食、飲料、任何種類之金屬、玻璃、寶特瓶容器、雷射筆、煙火或任何危險物品。
  7. 各表演場館各有其入場規定,請持票人遵守之,遲到觀眾需遵守館方管制。
  8. 消費者必須以真實姓名購票及填寫有效個人資訊,一旦以虛假資料購買票券已經涉及「偽造私文書罪」,依照刑法第二百十條:「偽造、變造私文書,足以生損害於公眾或他人者,處五年以下有期徒刑。」 ,主辦單位及KKTIX皆有權利立即取消該消費者訂單,請勿以身試法!
  9. 購票前請詳閱注意事項,一旦購票成功視為同意上述所有活動注意事項。
前台客爽 Back to TeXound / 台北市南京東路三段26號B1


票種 販售時間 售價

2020/10/24 18:00(+0800) ~ 2020/10/31 00:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$400